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  • Writer's picturedrveradubovoy

Nutrition and Diet

Updated: May 28, 2022

Health and energy requires good nutrition. Ensuring you have a healthy diet is important for healing from any chronic disease.

Adhering to a WFPB (Whole Food Plant Based) or Mediterranean Diet have been shown to have the best health benefits. Dr. Low Dog has a wonderful food pyramid to follow for a Mediterranean Diet.

Ensure that your diet is high in colorful (phytonutrient rich) vegetables and fruit, that you are getting enough clean protein, as well as getting adequate amounts of omega-3 fatty acids. Other supplements may be needed to help support your body. These may include a multivitamin/multimineral, additional omega-3s, antioxidant and/or detox support, gastrointestinal support, or other supplements. Your healthcare provider will help tailor a plan that meets your needs.

Some Additional Resources:

For parents, Dr. Maya Adam from Stanford has a wonderful free plan based child nutrition course on coursera.


Dr. Mark Hyman's Eat Fat, Get Thin and Food: What the Heck Should I Eat

Dr. David Perlmutter's The Grain Brain and Brain Maker

Dr. Terry Wahls' The Wahls Protocol for autoimmune conditions, paleo diet

Dan Buetner's The Blue Zones Solution: Eating and Living Like the World's Healthiest People

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